Howard Schultz OUT @ STARBUCKS -- Social Justice LARPING Fraud Leaves Steaming Pile of Shit Behind, Literally ( Homeless Deficating on Bathroom Floors ) Jerk Thinks he can be President lol

Howard Schultz OUT @ STARBUCKS -- Social Justice LARPING Fraud Leaves Steaming Pile of Shit Behind, Literally ( Homeless Deficating on Bathroom Floors ) Jerk Thinks he can be President lol (

 by Oh_Well_ian to news (+6|-0)

"Uncomfortable" Starbucks Employees Respond To Becoming "World's Biggest Public Toilet"

"Uncomfortable" Starbucks Employees Respond To Becoming "World's Biggest Public Toilet" (

by tendiesonfloor to news (+62|-1)

Howard Schultz to step down as Starbucks executive chairman. When the Left turns against the most ham-fisted social justice big business, its time to throw in the towel. (

by Ex-Redditor to news (+46|-1)